How can vessel personnel detect the operation of a SART in its vicinity?()
A unique radar signal consisting of a blip code radiating outward from a SART's position along its line of bearing
B. A unique two tone "warbling" signal heard on VHF-FM ch-70
C. A unique two tone alarm signal heard upon the automatic unmuting of the 2182 kHz radiotelephone automatic watch receiver
D. The SART signal appears as a target which comes and goes; the effect of heavy swells on the SART
A. 经营出现明显的问题.对业务发展严重不利
B. 与多家银行合作.担保总额在担保能力范围内
C. 与银行合作的存量业务出现严重不良贷款
D. 所进行的合作对银行业务拓展没有明显促进作用的
A. 31~47mm
B. 41~45mm
C. 41~47mm
D. 41~50mm
A. 主轴中心高于尾架中心
B. 尾架中心高于主轴中心
C. 只要在误差范围内即可