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We need vacations. They recharge us, allowing us
to be more efficient all the other times. The trouble
is, too many of the vacations we take these days are 【M1】 ______.
vacations at all. We Americans are collectively suffering
from "vacation deficit disorder," insists Joe Robinson.
And we don't even admit we have a problerrk It gets such 【M2】 ______.
bad that workers often compete to see who has less of a
life than the. next guy. Americans work less than anyone 【M3】 ______.
else. In fact, we work 100 hours per year more than the
famously nose-to-grindstone Japanese. And we put in
up to three months a year more than Europeans. America is the
only country which does not mandate paid vacation leave. 【M4】 ______.
China gets three weeks. Europe average six. Call it the 【M5】 ______.
incredible shrinking vacation. The average vacation in America
now numbers a pathetic three to four days--a long weekend. And
this year, according to a recent survey, one in seven Americans
are taking no vacation at all. The problem is, 【M6】 ______.
the little time we now allot ourselves for vacations can't do
that vacations are supposed to do. "You need more time to fix burnout," 【M7】 ______.
explains Joe Robinson, author of Work To Live: The Guide to Getting a Life.
You have to be cut off from a stressor for a sufficient amount of time to give your
mind or body a break. And you have to allow two weeks 【M8】 ______.
for your body to rebound. But trying to get more than one
week at a time is not difficult, especially in today's climate. 【M9】 ______.
People have to beg their employees for any time in the first 【M10】 ______.
place. The upshot is they wind up feeling guilty for taking
time off. And vacations feel illegitimate.
