
Air trapped in the hydraulic fluid of a steering system may be indicated by

A. the steering pumps overspeeding
B. a jammed open relief valve
C. a constantly occurring improper rudder response
D. excessive ram pressure


某银行出售了100美元债券,得到了100美元现金。同时该银行还贷出了50美元,借款人提现了该笔贷款。同时该银行还接受了一笔60美元的现金存款。 a.以上这些活动都结束之后,该银行的准备金会发生什么变化? b.该银行的存款会发生什么变化?

Biological treatment may use __ to treat sewage (1)living organisms (2)chemicals (3)additives

A. (1)
B. (2)
C. (3)
D. (1)(2)(3)

In a diesel engine closed freshwater cooling system, the amount of coolant flowing through

A. suction pressure regulator
B. thermostatic bypass valve
C. sea water temperature
D. water level in the expansion tank

下面哪一项不是货币的职能?________________。 i.计价单位 ii.价值储藏 iii.债务单位

A. 只有i
B. 只有ii
C. 只有iii
D. ii和iii
E. i和ii
