有明文“attack begins at four”,使用传统置换密码,密钥为“CIPHER”,该信息加密后的密文为( )。
甲向乙发送信息“SUZAN”,使用RSA加密算法,已知大数n=33,加密用的密钥e=3,则解密使用的私钥d=( )
假设截获到如下加密信息: 4 3 49 4 49 3 4 15,已知加密密钥k=7,并且它是由n=55确定的,假定A~Z的编码为1~26,空格的编码为27,解密后的信息为()
1.. Three of the following are characteristics of London.Which of the four is the exception?
A. London is a political economic and cultural centre of the country.
B. London has a larger population than all other cities in England.
C.London is not only the largest city in Britain, but also the largest in the world.
D. London has played a significant role in the economic construction of the country.