I wanted to allow myself the pleasure of this joke.
A. I hoped to have a lot of fun making this joke.
B. I was very pleased when allowed to enjoy the joke.
Family stories are always prone to exaggeration.
A. It is natural for people to make up family stories to impress others.
B. Family stories are very likely a mixture of truth and imagination.
The parents were equally shocked and "amazed at the irony of it all."
A. The parents found the entire story full of surprise and great fun.
B. The parents were horrified, but at the same time marveled at the irony in the incident.
A. 公民文化
B. 臣民文化
C. 教区文化
D. 民主文化
A. 公民文化
B. 臣民文化
C. 教区文化
D. 区域性文化