Use the Example of Tom Kosnik (American) using the Circles of Influence framework to better understand Singapore. What are examples of the code that he had to learn to be effective in the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Singapore?
A. How to interact effectively with government agencies like Enterprise Singapore and Singapore EDB
B. How to earn trust and gain support from senior leaders at NUS to sponsor his visits to Singapore
C. How to interact effectively with local VC firms like Monk Hill Ventures and iGlobe Partners
D. How to build strong long-term relationships with his alumni from the NUS College in Silicon Valley program so they could work together to encourage and support startups in Singapore
E. All of the above
关于甲状腺乳头状癌的叙述,下列不正确的是( )
A. 本癌发现时约50%已有颈淋巴结转移,因此预后很差
B. 青少年女性多见
C. 为最多见的甲状腺癌
D. 生长较慢,预后较好
E. 肿瘤间质中常见砂粒体
亚急性甲状腺炎较特征性的病理学改变是甲状腺( )
A. 体积增大、不对称
B. 切面见斑片状坏死
C. 滤泡被破坏
D. 肉芽肿性炎
E. 纤维化
甲状腺滤泡性腺瘤和滤泡癌的鉴别诊断最重要的是( )
A. 滤泡大小
B. 被膜是否受侵犯
C. 是否有包膜和血管侵犯
D. 淋巴结是否有转移
E. 远处器官是否有转移
【单选题】( )是指将某一领域的原理、方法、技术或构思移植到另一领域而形成新事物的方法,是多层次借用法延伸出的一种创意方法。
A. 移植法
B. 组合法
C. 因果联想
D. 拟人联想