
16.Why will the woman be out of the office all day today?Because she is.17.Why does the woman ask Sam to call Mr.Smith?To changeof their appointment.18.Why does the woman ask Sam to find Mr.Johnson?To ask him to fix her broken.19.What did the manager ask for last week?She asked for a list of all the.20.Where does the woman ask Sam to take the package to?She asked Sam to take it to the.



对于一个n*n的下三角数组a,按照行优先的原则,把a的下三角部分的元素存储在起始地址为start的连续的内存空间中,假定数组的下标从0开始,一个数组元素占内存的c个字节,那么一共要存储( )个数组元素,下三角部分的一个数组元素a[i][j]的地址是( )。

对于一个n*n的三对角线数组a,按照行优先的原则,把a的三对角线上的元素存储在起始地址为start的连续的内存空间中,假定数组的下标从0开始,一个数组元素占内存的c个字节,那么一共要存储( )个数组元素,三对角线上的数组元素a[i][j]的地址是( )。

已知模式T=”abaabcab”,则对应的next[0..7]的值为 。数值之间用一个空格间隔

A. -1 0 0 1 2 2 1 1
B. -1 0 0 1 2 2 0 0
C. -1 0 0 1 1 2 0 1
D. -1 0 1 1 1 2 2 1
