
The Role of Religion in Korean Higher Education
It is widely believed that religious traditions, such as Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, and Christianity, had great effects on the entirety of Korean culture and society. Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism were amalgamated into Korean culture and became, in the main, axes of Korean traditional religious thought, in addition to Korean folk beliefs and shamanism. From an educational point of view, Buddhism and Confucianism had a significant impact on formal and informal elite education in the early Korean states and still remains important. Taoism, on the other hand, has affected internal and external life as opposed to Korean education. Christianity, a newly grafted religion, has also exerted an important influence upon the development of modern higher education. Therefore, the parameters of the study are Buddhism, Confucianism, and Christianity.
Throughout the history of Korean education, religion and education are inseparable. The examination of the role of religion in Korean higher education gives Western educators historically valuable ideas about religious components in Korean higher education. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to examine the role of religion in Korean elite and higher education during the premodern and modern periods. In this study, "premodern era" is defined as the fourth century to the late nineteenth century, and "modern period" from 1880 to 1910.
Numerous studies have shown that religious thought has affected the spiritual and practical worlds in premodern and contemporary Korea. However, several studies examining the influence of religious and philosophical thought on Korean education indicate that three religious traditions — Buddhism, Confucianism, and Christianity — had an enormous impact on premodern and modern education in Korea.
In terms of Korean educational history and philosophy, there are few studies that examine the religious and philosophical ideas that historically affect Korean higher education. Kim briefly analyzes the basic philosophy and organization of Korean higher education, and Lee reviews religious and philosophical factors influencing the development of Korean higher education in terms of educational administrative theory and practice. Studies concerning the role of religion in premodern elite and modern higher education have yet to be conducted. For this reason, this study will focus on the contribution of Buddhism and Confucianism to premodern elite education in Korea, particularly the interaction between Confucianism and Christianity with modern higher education in Korea and on the role of religion in current Korean higher education.
______ has been believed NOT to have much influence on the Korean higher education.

A. Buddhism
B. Confucianism
C. Taoism
D. Christianity


* * PROG1. PRG
? X+Y
? X,Y,Z
? X+Y+Z
第一个X+Y的输出结果为 ______。

A. 同学们你们好!
B. 你们好同学们
C. 同学们+你们好!
D. 同学们

Although the methods introduced by using the example of learning English as a second or foreign language, I have used them to learn various other languages and they are based upon research which is cross cultural and has now occurred across many different language groups. The resources have been written in order to help both teachers and language learners. The targets include offering assistance for:
Learning language quickly and effectively.
Using educationally sound, well targeted learning methodologies.
Developing appropriate goals and using methodologies which support those goals.
Ensuring that study schedules are effective.
Studies of language over the past hundred, and particularly the past thirty years have shown that the many languages of the world have certain common characteristics:
Strengths of Human Languages
Humans have a natural, innate ability to acquire and create language.
Language is fluid — it changes quickly.
Focusing on how to use a language is by far the fastest way to acquire the ability to effectively communicate in that language.
Language learners learn primarily from their peers, even when the peers are also learners.
The targets to help both teachers and language learners include all of the following BUT

A. learning language quickly and effectively.
B. using educationally sound, well targeted learning methodologies.
C. developing appropriate methodologies that support the new ideas.
D. ensuring that study schedules are effective.

You're Not Picky Enough If...
1. You are willing to date anyone fairly decent, regardless of whether or not he or she is a good match for you.
You don't want much from a partner. If he or she has a sense of humor, a job and feelings for you, then he or she is good enough.
You get into relationships quickly.
You accept lots of imperfections in your partner.
You date people to whom you are not physically attracted.
If you identify more with the "not picky enough" list, you mostly end up with people who aren't very good matches for you. Perhaps, not having been in a relationship in a long time, you are so desperate for love that being with any person seems better than being alone.
If you are not picky enough,

A. date someone, whether he or she is decent enough.
B. date someone, whether he or she has a sense of humor.
C. date someone, whether you are physically attracted.
D. date someone, whether he or she has feelings for you.

The Internet
The Internet is already the greatest equalizer of all time and can only become more so. While it may never match the ease of learning face-to-face it is now an excellent resource which is improving by leaps and bounds every day. The more you use it, the more you'll appreciate just what a powerful resource it is. Love it or hate it, our lives will be increasingly affected by it as international boundaries dissolve in the face of this high-tech equalizer.
The Internet is a fantastic resource for language learning. It will soon be even better. Make the most of it now and use it more in the future. Right now you have a resource which is text. The Net allows you to read about any subject which interests you in whatever language you're learning. It's great for:
Reading about how to learn — using resources to find out good ways to learn a language quickly.
Source reading material — since you have a Net connection on your desk it costs nothing more to get an endless supply of written information about any subject which interests you. With over forty million URL's on the World Wide Web already and many more appearing every day, and with thousands of newsgroups you no longer need rely on your local bookshop to get over-priced books, newspapers or magazines to read.
Finding pen pals — email makes it easy and fast to correspond with short letters on a daily basis. And it's free, so very frequent correspondence is finally practical and affordable, while finding someone to correspond with has finally become quite easy.
In the future we expect:
Voice communication will become more accessible as standard protocols emerge for person to person "telephone" calls. Right now both people need to have the same telephone software and a fast link to the Net if they want to talk to each other, so person to person discussion is a little difficult to organize. Emerging standards will soon solve this problem.
Video tele-conferencing is a reality now, but will become much easier and of better quality as high speed ISDN and cable links become cheaper and more commonly available.
Desktop cameras and microphones become cheaper and more likely to be available for widespread personal use.
The writer of the passage is talking about the Internet mainly on the basis of

A. personal use.
B. corporate use.
C. business use.
D. technical use.
