Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
A. Many hippies had to beg because no firms would hire them.
B. Timothy Leafy, a preacher, was the leader of the hippie movement.
C. Drugs produced a very important influence on hippies' ideas.
D. The hippie movement was first known to the British people through the Beatles songs.
A. Speaking of
B. Speaking about
C. Talking of
D. Talking about
A. 将C盘当前文件夹下名为StuData.dat的文件的内容读入内存
B. 在C盘当前文件夹下建立名为StuData.dat的顺序文件
C. 将内存数据存放在C盘当前文件夹下名为StuData.dat的文件中
D. 将某个磁盘文件的内容写入C盘当前文件夹下名为StuData.dat的文件中
听力原文: I'm currently studying to become a physical therapist, a career path that marks a great achievement for me. At Ohio State University, admission into the physical therapy program is intensely competitive. I made it pass the first cut the first year I applied, but was turned down for admission. I was crushed, because for years I have been determined to become a physical therapist. I received advice from friends and relatives about changing my major and finding another course for my life. I just couldn't do it. I knew I could net be as happy in another profession. So I stilled myself, began to work seriously for another year and reapplied. Happily I received notice of my admission. Later, I found out that less than 15% of the applicants had been offered positions that year. Now in the first two years of professional training, I couldn't be happier with my decision not to give up on my dream. My father told me that if I wanted it badly enough, I would get in. Well, Daddy, I wanted it. So there. After graduation, I want to travel to another country, possibly a Latin American country and work in a children's hospital for a year or two. So many of the children there are physically handicapped but most hospitals don't have the funding to hire trained staff to care for them properly. I would like to change that somehow.
What is the speaker's field of study?
A. Social work.
B. Medical care.
C. Applied physics.
D. Special education.
Directions: In this section, you will hear several passages. Listen to the passages carefully and then answer the questions that follow.
听力原文: Good 'afternoon, class. Today, we'll continue our discussion of modern American architects. Now, let's review the three main elements that any architect must consider when designing a building. One of the elements is function. An architect must consider the function of a building, whether the design hinders or enhances the use of the building, whether the design allows for easy heating and cooling, plumbing, and electrical wiring.
Appearance, the second element is appearance. Does the building fit in with its surroundings? Is it pleasing to look at or an eyesore? Its appearance is quite an important element.
The last one is durability. An architect must consider a building's durability, whether the materials will withstand wear from weather on the outside and from use on the inside.
Now we'll move on to discuss the architect. The man in this photograph is Frank Lloyd Wright. Frank Lloyd Wright has been called the greatest figure in modem American architecture because of his influence on function, appearance, and durability.
I've placed several books on reserve in the library. Some of the books contain pictures and diagrams of Wright's work, and there's also an in-depth and...um...informative biography of Wright. The reserve material in the library is optional, but yon may want to spend some time with it in order to have the best understanding possible of Frank Lloyd Wright and his work.
What is the professor mainly discussing?
A. The importance of function in the design of a building.
B. A number of modem American architects and the important elements in their work.
C. Three main elements that any architect must think when designing a building and a famous architect.
D. The important characteristics of the designs of one specific architect.