Why must Henry book tickets when he is still in the office?
A. The telephone box is busy
B. There are only two tickets left.
C. He wants to do it as early as possible.
How does Henry book the tickets?
A. By telephoning the box office.
By getting to the box office himself.
C. By paying for the tickets at his office.
How much does Henry pay for the two tickets?
A. I 1.00 pounds.
B. 9.00 pounds.
C. 12.00 pounds.
When should Henry get to the cinema?
A. 4:30 p.m. Saturday
B. 5:30 p.m. Friday.
C. 8:30 p.m. Saturday.
You can find out more about the Kingston Charity's operations if you view the ______ report.
A. attaches
B. attached
C. attaching
D. attachment