
What did she find out about those domestic tasks she used to despise?

A. They were complicated and boring.
B. They were easy and interesting.
C. They were interesting and complicated.


What was the author's fear of married life?

A. She was afraid of losing her identity.
B. She was afraid of doing housework.

"a crappy apartment with the requisite funton." In this sentences , the word "crappy" means ____.

A. good
B. unwell
C. exquisite

In the title " A Broom of One's Own", the "broom" symbolizes ____.

A. good luck
B. household duties
C. money

Which is not the component of Womenhouse project?

A. Nurturant Kitchen
B. The Tea Party
C. Menstruation Bathroom
D. Bridal Stair-case
