
_____ to twist fibres of a material such as cotton or wool into thread to make cloth _____the things that make someone or something different from all other _____involving or affecting your mind _____very shocking or unreasonable _____amounts of something that you keep so that you can use it when you need it. _____a piece of clothing, used especially when talking about the production and sale of clothes. _____a feeling of being nervous, uncomfortable or unhappy about a situation. _____weak or easy to hurt physically or mentally _____the fact that someone or something is not as good, important, intelligent, etc. as someone or something else. _____someone who always wears whatever is considered fashionable, even if it does not suit him/her _____very unpleasant and shocking _____a process in which the existence of a problem causes other problems, and this makes the original problem worse _____extremely fashionable, but often silly or annoying _____not confident about yourself _____to make or repair clothes using a needle and thread _____a small room or space built into a wall for storing things such as clothes or sheets


It is __1__, then, that most fashion victims are young. These are the __2__people most vulnerable to a sense of inferiority and who feel the need to have their __3__ boosted by others telling them they look __4__. It is the youth in every country that follow the fashions most __5__and who spend the most money on __6__just the right look. The middle-aged and elderly generations are no longer __7__ to fashion. They have __8__ their __9__ and they no longer care so much what other people think of how they dress (although they probably still __10__ what others think of them!).


A. 化学分析法中所有的滴定分析均可采用蒸馏水
B. 分析实验用水可分为:一级、二级、三级,其中三级水的等级最高,制备方法最简单
C. 一般的分析实验用水,往往采用蒸馏法和离子交换法制备分析用水
D. 离子交换法制水是目前分析实验室最常用的制水方法



物流企业的( )是指企业内部组织机构按分工协作关系和领导隶属关系有序结合的总体。

