(Unit 3) Mirage rarely mocked people — even the girls painstakingly repairing their black nail polish in the bathroom. But the biology teacher had made fun of her name — “Do some people call you Illusion?” — and he was the dullest person on Earth.Question: Why Did Mirage impersonate their horrible biology teacher?
A. Because she usually mocked people.
Because she loved her biology teacher.
C. Because the biology teacher had made fun of her name before.
D. Because she liked making fun of people.
(Unit3)what can we know about Mr.Rayandhiswayofteaching from the following sentence?"By the fourth day he (Mr.Ray)succeededinhypnotizingeven themostavidacademicsintoabiologicalstupor"
A. Mr.Ray'sclassisveryboring.
B. Mr.Ray'sclassisveryinteresting.
C. OnlysomeexcellentstudentslikeMr.Ray's class.
D. MostexcellentstudentslikeMr.Ray'sclass.
(Unit3)In Tomorrow, Summer, WhohelpedMirageoutwhensheansweredMr.Rayinhisowncadence?
A. Manny
B. Amal
C. Notmentioned.
D. Awaiter
(Unit3) In Tomorrow, Summer, WhyhadthebiologyteachermadefunofMirage'snameby asking“DosomepeoplecallyouIllusion”?
A. Becausethewords,mirageandillusion,havethesimilarmeaning.
C. BecausethebiologyteacherwantedtopunishMirage.
D. BecauseMirageisanaughtygirl.
(Unit3) Mirage rarely mocked people — even the girls painstakingly repairing their black nail polish in the bathroom.Question: Does the following statement agree with the information given in the sentence?Mirage often laughed at these girls repairing their black nail polish in the bathroom.
A. True
B. False