Which of the following types of services is generally provided only by CPA firms()
A. Tax audits
B. Financial statement audits
Compliance audits
D. Operational audits
which of the following is not included in an integrated audit report on the financial statements of a public company()
A. The report states that the audit was performed in accordance with AICPA standards
B. The report indicates that the financial statements are the responsibility of management
C. The report indicates that the auditors have also audited the effectiveness of the company’s internal control
D. The report is singed in the name of the CPA firm
Which of the following is not a broad category of threat to auditor independence()
A. Familiarity
B. Safeguards implemented by the client
C. Financial self interest
D. Undue Influence
Financial statement audits performed under PCAOB requirements are designed to provide which types of assurance with respect to the detection of material misstaements due to errors or fraud()
A. reasonable and absolute
B. reasonable
C. absolute
D. not reasonable nor absolute
which of the following is an example of a compliance audit()
An audit of financial statements
B. An audit of a company’s policies and procedures for adhering to environmental laws and regulations
C. An audit of a company’s internal control over financial reporting
D. An audit of the efficiency and effectiveness of a company’s legal department