男18岁,在车上突然发生口似咀嚼某物,双手不断搓捏衣角,10秒即过,过后不能回忆此事,类似发作10次,脑电图呈双侧额颞叶区阵发性慢波-棘慢波。最佳选用的治疗药物是 ( )
A. 乙琥胺
B. 扑米酮
C. 氯硝西泮
D. 卡马西平
E. 水合氯醛
Flag ______ in front of the National Exhibition and Convention Center in Shanghai.
A. flatter
B. flutter
C. fatter
D. flute
Once I knew I was experiencing ______ panic or anxiety, I followed the tips recommended by my doctor to deal with the symptoms.
A. acute
B. accurate
C. intense
D. incisive
Single people in China often ______ themselves as "single dogs" and feel lonely during Qixi.
A. rock
B. sock
C. hock
D. mock
Expedition team ______ tremendous hardship on their journey to the South Pola.
A. endured
B. inflicted
C. abided
D. afforded