
Free traders maintain that an open economy is advantageous in that it provides all of the following except:

A. Increased competition for world producers
B. A wider selection of products for consumers
C. The utilization of the most efficient production methods
D. Relatively high wage levels for all domestic workers



A. TheInternationalOrganizationforStandardization
B. TheInternationalMonetaryFund
C. TheWorldHealthOrganization
D. Allofthese

For a nation to maximize its productivity in a global economy:

A. Only imports are necessary
B. Only exports are necessary
C. Both imports and exports are necessary
D. Neither imports nor exports are necessary

Economists have generally found that economic growth rates have a close relation to:

A. openness to trade
B. education
C. communications infrastructure
D. all of these

With globalization and import competition, U.S. prices have generally:

A. increased
B. decreased
C. remained stable
D. all of these at various times
