Complete the sentences with the words below. Change the form if necessary1.She said exactly what she thought, without thinking about the __________________________.2.In general, shyness is a personality ________ that is partly biological and partly environmental.3.International travel has grown to the point that many hotels find it necessary to employ ____________ staff members.4. I can only ________ the uncommon behavior of the strangers I meet to my being a foreigner.5. I have ______________________ my social media contacts into family, close friends, and work colleagues.6. The city hopes historic districts will _______ a sense of community, which can be lacking in young and fast-growing places.7. Laughing at the same joke would help us to show __________ with others, and this may be why it is especially infectious.8. Once you graduate from school, you’ll start to feel fierce ______________ as you compete for a good job.