设有关系模式R(U,F),其中 :属性集U为ABC,函数依赖集 F={A→BC,B→C,A→B,AB→C}( 1 ) 计算A+( 2 ) 求 F 的最小等价依赖集 Fmin
1.A heavy flood caused the bridge to ____ ; now, no one can cross the river without boats.2.Susan has been crying a lot since her sister died a year ago; it seems that she could never ____from the heavy loss.3.It's sometimes considered bad manners to ____ on the table while eating, so please be careful not to do so.4.After crying for some time, she looked at her face ____ in the mirror, only to find she was such a sad and plain-looking girl.5.I had to hold tightly the handrails (扶手) along the hall to keep myself from losing my balance on the ____floor.6. The man phoned the police and later went to the police station to look at photos to____ the robbers.7. The imperial examination system, which started in the Sui Dynasty, was ____in 1905.8. Many smokers choose to ____the fact that smoking is harmful to health and refuse to stop smoking.9. He no longer had a(n) ____ for further education because he thought the costs were too high.10. Although she often seemed quite cold and strict, her smiling eyes____ her true nature.
A. 设计时分割空间的方式不同,实体空间是绝对分割,而虚拟空间则是相对分割。
B. 划定空间的方式不同,实体空间是阻隔来划定空间,虚拟空间是需要联想和视觉完形性来划定空间。
C. 空间中人流交通动态线的特点不同,实体空间的人流交通动态线是清晰的,虚拟空间的人流交通动态线是模糊的。
D. 构成空间的方式不同,虚拟空间可以借助家具,陈设,绿化,水体,照明,色彩,材质,改变标高等来完成,而实体空间利用墙体等完成。
A. 在商业空间中实体空间包含了光、镜子、色彩等
B. 在商业空间中大部分实体空间多由实体的墙面围合而成
C. 在商业空间的水平限定上包含了地面、顶面、商品
D. 在商业空间的垂直限定上包含了墙面、柜台、家具、物品柜、植物