Form compound nouns by matching the nouns in Column A with the nouns in Column B.
Complete the sentences with the compound nouns you have just formed. Change the form where necessary.
1-22 质点在Oxy平面内运动,其运动方程为 r = 2.0ti + (19. 0-2.0t2 )j, 式r中r的单位为m,t的单位为s. 求: (I)质点的轨迹方程; (2)在t1 =1.0s到t2 = 2. 0 s时间内的平均速度; (3) t 1 = l.0 s时的速度及切向和法向加速度; (4) t = l.0s时质点所在处轨道的曲率半径ρ·
1-27 在半径为R的圆周上运动的质点,其速率与时间关系为 v= ct2 , 式中c为常量求:(l)从 t= 0 时刻到 t 时刻质点走过的路程 s(t);(2) 在 t 时刻质点的切向加速度at, 和法向加速度 an.