How much will the global box office for the whole Harry Potter series finally reach?
A. $6.4 billion.
B. $4.7 billion.
C. $7.4 billion.
D. $7.7 billion.
What is J.K. Rowling's ranking on the list of world billionaires?
A. No. 1114.
B. No. 1440.
C. No. 1400.
D. No. 1140.
How many additional visitors went to the story-related theme park in Orlando in 2010?
A. 1,700,000.
B. 170,000.
C. 1,700,000,000.
D. 17,000,000.
On the new website of Rowling, there is an introduction of ____ words about the background and characters.
A. 80,000,000.
B. 18,000,000.
C. 18,000.
D. 80,000.
我国进入社会主义初级阶段的起点是( )
A. 中华人民共和国成立
B. 国民经济恢复任务的完成
C. 社会主义改造完成
D. 中共十三大召开