Which of the following terms cannot be replaced by the word“intercultural communication”?
A. Cross-cultural communication
B. Verbal-communication
C. International communication
D. Multicultural communication
In business context, there are three major patterns of communication except for________.
A. Upward communication
B. Downward communication
C. Horizontal communication
D. Non-verbal communication
The followings are barriers in intercultural communication except for________.
A. Language differences
B. Nonverbal communication factors
C. Geographical locations
D. Cultural bias on judgments
A. 辐射灭菌法
B. 微波灭菌法
C. 紫外线灭菌法
D. 湿热灭菌法
E. 干热灭菌法
A. 0.02 µm
B. 0.10 µm
C. 0.22 µm
D. 1.00 µm
E. 0.25 µm