
下列各项中,应计入城市维护建设税计税依据的有( )。

A. 偷逃增值税而被查补的税款
B. 偷逃消费税而被加收的滞纳金
C. 因增值税违规被处以的罚款
D. 出口产品征收的消费税税额


2019年7月,甲市某烟草公司向乙县某烟叶种植户收购了一批烟叶,收购价款100万元、价外补贴10万元。下列关于该笔烟叶交易涉及烟叶税征收管理的表述中,符合税法规定的有( )。

A. 纳税人为烟草公司
B. 应向甲市主管税务机关申报纳税
C. 应纳税额为22万元
D. 应在次月15日内申报纳税

Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases given. Change the form where necessary.principal; endorsement; cash flow; counterfoil; mortgagor; market share; depreciateguarantor; authorization; economic growth; building; liquidity; market maker; payee; drawer1. If a bank ______ is made, the holder of the B/L has the right to take delivery of the goods.

2. The _____ is complementary part of a bank cheque recording particulars of the payee and the amount paid.

The proportion of the total demand for a product that is supplied by a particular manufacturer or brand is called________.
