
下面关于基于 BIM 技术的成本管理说法不正确的是( )。

A. BIM 技术提高了成本核算和成本分析的工作效率
B. 在成本核算中,通过构件和模型的自动关联,实现以模型为载体,各构件价格和工程量数据相对应,从而实现实际收入的快速核算
C. BIM 技术无法提高成本分析的工作效率
D. 通过模型工程量、分包报量与合同价格的对应,实现项目实际成本和预算成本的快速核算
E. 在成本核算的基础上,BIM 系统可按时间对比分析整个项目的核算成本情况


利用 BIM 技术进行项目管理的优势不包括( )。

A. 信息安全性
B. 风险前置
C. 三维渲染动画
D. 绘图效率提升
E. 进度计划分析

A. Cooking my food is a bigger problem.B. The worst problem is doing my laundry.C. Cleaning the apartment is not too bad; although it takes time away from my studies, at least when I finish the apartment looks nice.D. Sometimes the food is burned, sometimes it is not cooked enough, and sometimes I have not measured correctly, so the food tastes terrible.E. Shopping for my food is more difficult because I don't know the English name of many foods, and often I have to spend extra time asking for help.F. The launderette is far away from apartment, and I waste much valuable time.G. I have never cook before, and usually the results are discouraging.H. Mostly I am embarrassed as I sit in the launderette with all the women, and so I wait until all my clothes are dirty before I do this horrible task.I. I also have trouble with the complicated instructions, so occasionally I end up with pink socks or a shirt that is too small.1.___________________


A. 独立性


A. 停在路边的车辆溜车与后车相撞;
B. 行人与路边停放车辆相撞受伤;
C. 车辆在某高校(允许社会车辆进入)校园内与学生相撞;
D. 辆车行驶过程中相撞并无损失与受伤;
E. 车辆行驶中被大风吹倒的枯树砸坏;
F. 风吹掉落的广告牌砸坏路边停放车辆。
