Pop Koshak raged silently, frustrated at not being able to do anything to fight Camille. At the mome
Application development increasingly means Windows development, and the popularity of visual development tools has(1)in tandem with Windows itself These tools create beautiful windowing(2), and their fast development cycles and easy learning curves make them a good(3)for many types of PC development projects. Today's developers are leveraging these tools and the abundance of heap, powerful PCs to shift the balance of power to the desktop.
As the world moves inexorably toward Windows and other(4)user interfaces, developers can choose from an abundance of(5)oriented tools. Popular examples include Microsoft Corp.'s Visual Basic, Powersoft Corp.'s PowerBuilder, Gupta Technology Corp.'s SQL Windows,and so on.
There has been even more progress in the making of dictionaries in the past thirty years than there
Then for the first time I noticed the poor old earth-colored bodies, bodies reduced to bones and lea
陈某与某公司签订的劳动合同于2010年5月10日终止。合同终止后,陈某失业在家。2010年5月15日,公司为陈某出具了终止劳动关系的证明。2010年5月20 日,陈某持该证明到社会保险经办机构办理了失业登记。陈某领取失业保险金的起算日期是()。
A. 2010年5月10日
B. 2010年5月15日
C. 2010年5月17日
D. 2010年5月20日