二、语句表达(21—25题):从词语运用、语法结构等方面对给出的语句作出判断。请开始答题: 下列各句中加点词语使用正确的一项是()。
A. 前一段时间,日本名古屋市市长在公开场合发言时公然窜改南京大屠杀的事实,这激起了中日两国爱好和平的人民的强烈反对。
B. 苹果公司生产的手机产品质量提高了,功能齐全了,款式新颖了,况且包装也精美了,因而受到广大用户的热烈欢迎。
C. 昨天上午九点,上百家媒体的近200名记者云集在政协礼堂新闻发言大厅,等待着此次政协会议新闻发言人的到来。
D. 随着欧洲主权债务危机的蔓延和美国经济陷入高失业、高负债的困境,我国的中小企业经营也出现困,经济增速逐步回落。
Celebrities lead very stressful lives,for no matter how fascinating or powerful they are,they have too little privacy,too much pressure,and no safety.
For one thing,celebrities don’t have the privacy an ordinary person has.The most personal details of their lives are printed on the front pages of the National Enquirer and the Globe so that bored supermarket shoppers can read about“Leonardo DiCaprio’s Awful Secret”or“The Heartbreak behind Winona Ryder's Smile”.Even a celebrity’s family is made public.A teen-age son’s arrest for using drug or a wife’s drinking problem becomes the subject of headlines.Photographers chase celebrities at their homes,in restaurants,and on the street,hoping to get a picture of Halle Berry in curlers or Jim Carrey drinking beer.When celebrities try to do the things that normal people do,like eat out or attend a football game,they run the risk of being interrupted by thoughtless photographers.
Celebrities must also cope with the constant pressure of having to look great and act fight.Their physical appearance is always under observation.Famous women,especially,suffer from public attention,inviting remarks like“She really looks old”or“Boy,has she put on weight.”Embarrassing pictures of celebrities are sold at hi|gh prices,which increases the pres-sure on celebrities to look good at all times.Famous people are also under pressure to act“calm and collected under any circumstances.Because they are constantly observed,they have no freedom to be angry or to do something just a little crazy.
Most important,celebrities must deal with the stress of being in constant danger.The friendly behaviors such as kisses of enthusiastic fans can quickly turn into uncontrolled attacks on a celebrity’s hair,clothes,and car.Most people agree that photographers brar some respon-sibility for the death of one of the leading celebrities of the 1990s--Princess Diana.Whether or not their pursuit caused the accident that took her life.it's clear she was chased by reporters like an escaped prisoner chased by police dogs.And celebrities can even fall victim to deliber-ately deadly attacks.The attempts to kill Ronald Reagan and the murder of John Lennon came about because two unbalanced people could not get these world·famous figures off their minds.
As a result,famous people must live with the fact that they are always fair game--and never out of season.
Leonardo DiCaprio and Winona Ryder are probably names of __________. 查看材料
A. shoppers
B. celebrities
C. reporters
D. photographei"s
A. 讲授法
B. 讨论法
C. 谈话法
D. 指导法
A. 教学
B. 学生
C. 德育
D. 教师
REPLACE歌手.最后得分wITH a[2]
ENDⅨ) 查看材料
A. SELECT*FROM temp WHERE temp.歌手号=歌手.歌手号TOARRAY a
B. SEl,ECT*FROM temp WHERE temp.歌手号=歌手.歌手号INT()ARRAYa
C. SELECT*FROM temp WHERE temp.歌手号=歌手.歌手号T()FILE a
D. SEl,ECT*FROM temp WHERE temp.歌手号=歌手.歌手号INTO FILE a