Cable copy advising contract number,credit number,commodities,amount,vessel name and shipping date immediately after shipment is effected.
【案例六】重庆某区农民工丙工伤了,伤在左脚,拇指从根部被截。丙没劳动合同,没保险。工伤认定公司负责人不承认,拒不签字,找到区劳动监察大队说要证明劳动关系,工资卡。劳动监察大队还要丙证明是公司发。但是丙从银行打出来的单子上不显示公司名字,但从柜台上可以查到,但银行说打不出来。没上班证。 在区监察大队受到冷遇,丙当时应该怎么办?()
A. 当众吵闹,引起周围人的注意
B. 向媒介爆料,或网上爆料
C. 当面警告,投诉劳动监察大队不作为
D. 向当地律师求助
E. 以上都可以
The tariff rates for importers fall into two categories:general tariff rates and minimum tariff rates.The general tariff rates apply to the imports originating in the countries with which the People’S Republic of China has not concluded trade treaties or agreements with reciprocal favourable tariff clauses therein;the minimum tariffrates apply to imports originating in the countries with the People’S Republic of China has concluded trade treaties or agreements with reciprocal favourable tariff clauses therein.