

A. 用户身份鉴别及设置数据的不同密级
B. 设置数据的完整性约束
C. 视图机制,即限制不同用户可见数据量
D. 把用户对数据库的所有操作自动记录在审计日志文件中,审计员利用审计日志监控数据库中各种行为



A. 数据有型和值之分,数据使用受数据类型和取值范围的约束
B. 具有多种表现形式
C. 数据就是数字
D. 有明确的语义


A. 以一定的组织方式组织存储数据,包括组织存储数据之间的关系或联系
B. 具有较小的冗余度、较高的数据独立性
C. 可为多用户共享数据
D. 可以长期存储数据


A. 在多个用户同时使用数据库时需要用到并发控制机制
B. 并发控制能够使多用户共享数据时保证不产生冲突和矛盾,保证数据的一致性
C. 封锁机制是并发控制的常用方法
D. 并发控制可能带来数据冗余的问题

Language Focus1. Complete the following sentences with the proper words and expressions.(填大写字母)A.roughly B. dramatic C. loomsD. exotic E. experiment F.capturesG. striking H. outreach I. tower over J. adopted K.immense L. shaded1) The coming examination ________ larger with every passing day.2) The novel ________ the imagination of thousands of readers.3) It’s almost impossible to find him in the ________ ocean.4) ________ speaking, I would say that about 100 people attended the exhibit.5) There were some ________ similarities between the two books. 6) New methods of teaching foreign languages are ________ in this institute.7) The conversation stopped when she made her ________ entrance.8) Its colour was a sort of blue, but now it has ________ off into grey.9) The film retains much of the book’s ________ flavour.10) She had to ________ her opponent to win the fencing match. 11) How maddening to have your younger brother ________ you, at his age, too!12) Is it right to ________ on animals?
