Which of the following statements about the Old Testament is true?
A. It tells stories of the Hebrews, who were later known as Israelites or Jews.
B. It tells stories of the Crusades.
C. It tells predictions of the second coming of Jesus
D. Just choose correct answer from A,B,C
The idiom “drop in a bucket” means __________ .
A. a relatively small amount; a small part of the whole
B. something that is very important to you
C. a hint or something said in a casual way
D. Just choose correct answer from A,B,C
The idiom “to cast pearls before swine” means ________
A. to lead someone who is not capable
B. to accomplish a very important task
C. to offer something of value to someone unable to appreciate it
D. Just choose correct answer from A,B,C
It was thought that only humans could communicate with people they can’t see; however, whales and dolphins can communicate ____.
I don’t know whether you could call their communication language or not, but I’ll ____more.