Working class children's "restricted code" of speech usually does NOT coincide with______.
A. their parents' speech
B. textbooks
C. part of middle class children's speech
D. educational failure
With whom do you need to set time limits?
A. Everyone.
B. The persistent latecomers.
C. People who arrive occasionally late.
D. New acquaintances.
What is Roberta's view towards punctuality?
A. It's important.
B. It's not important.
C. It's ambiguous.
D. It depends.
“万般皆下品,唯有读书高”反映了封建社会教育具有 ()
A. 阶级性
B. 脱离生产劳动
C. 等级性
D. 崇尚书本,呆读死记
What is the author's attitude towards Bernstein's theory?
A. He is in favour of it.
B. His is objective.
C. He is slightly critical of it.
D. He is strongly critical of it.