
听力原文:M: There is a non-stop train for Washington and it leaves at 2:30.
W: It's faster than the 2 o'clock train. Besides, we can have something to eat before getting on the train.
What do we learn from the conversation?

A. The 2:00 train will arrive earlier.
B. The 2:30 train has a dining room.
C. The woman prefers to take the 2:30 train.
D. They are going to have some fast food on the train.


根据核发房屋产权证和土地使用证的需要,应以门牌、户院、产别及其所占用土地的范围,绘制详细的房产分幅图。 ()

A. 正确
B. 错误

财务净现值是指房地产开发项目按目标收益率各年的净现金流量折算到开发活动起始点的现值之和。 ()

A. 正确
B. 错误

建筑物内无楼梯时,室外楼梯按每层水平投影面积的一半计算建筑面积。 ()

A. 正确
B. 错误

在房地产开发过程中,开发商总是利用经营管理来实现以最少的自由资金投入获取最大的投资利润。 ()

A. 正确
B. 错误
