
The Queen has no real power. In practice, she acts only on the advice of her Ministers.

A. 对
B. 错


It is constitutional for the Queen to refuse her assent.

A. 对
B. 错

The Queen sees the Prime Minister once a month to discuss affairs of state.

A. 对
B. 错

Sometimes the Sovereign has a definite and beneficial influence on the cabinet decisions taken.

A. 对
B. 错

1/3对折对折再对折一张纸的厚度大约是 0.08mm,对折多少次之后能达到珠穆朗玛峰的高度(8848.13 米)?请用 循环 完成这个练习,并打印出 需要对折n次,n 是纸的厚度大于等于 8848.13 米时已经对折的次数。
