

A. 《中华人民共和国义务教育法》
B. 《中华人民共和国教育法》
C. 《中华人民共和国教师法》
D. 《中华人民共和国职业教育法》



Although the ratio of physicians to total population is about the same in the United States and Canada, the United States has 33 percent more surgeons per capita. Clearly, this is the reason people in the United States undergo 40 percent more operations per capita than do Canadians. The explanation given above rests on an assumption that

A. patients in the United States do not have a greater need for surgery than do patients in Canada.
B. the population of the United States is not larger than that of Canada.
C. United States patients sometimes travel to Canada for certain kinds of surgery.
D. general practitioners in the United States do not as a rule examine a patient who is a candidate for surgery before sending the patient to a surgeon.
E. there are no unnecessary surgical operations performed in Canada.


有一位书法家教学生练字。有一次,一个学生抱怨,他跟书法家学习了一段时间,可是一直没有大的进步。书法家问:“你在家里练习时。一般用什么样的纸?”学生说:“旧报纸。”书法家说:“用质量好的纸试试”。学生回家后。按照老师的要求做了,没过多久,他的字进步得很快。他很奇怪,问书法家原因。书法家说:“你用旧报纸写字的时候,会感觉是在打草稿。即使写得不好也无所谓,用较好的纸你会更珍惜,用心写出的字,自然会更好。”平常的日子。是否也被我们不经意地当作旧报纸?因此随意涂抹也不心疼,总以为来日方长。但是,这种无所谓的心态,却使我们与机会擦肩而过。 请根据这篇材料发表演说。
