
急腹症的手术探查指征不包括( )

A. 怀疑消化道穿孔
B. 怀疑腹腔内进行性出血
C. 怀疑肠坏死
D. 腹膜刺激症明显,积极治疗无好转
E. 腹痛反复发作4小时以上


The two main islands of the British Isles are ______.

A. Great Britain and Ireland
B. Great Britain and Scotland
C. Great Britain and Wales
D. Great Britain and England

______ is the capital city of Scotland.

A. Belfast
B. Edinburgh
C. London
D. Cardiff

Among the four parts of the United Kingdom. _______ is the smallest.

A. England
B. Scotland
C. Wales
D. Northern Ireland

English belongs to the group of the Indo- European family of ______ languages.

A. Celtic
B. Norman
C. Germanic
D. Roman
