1. What will be China's urban numbers by 2025 according to the news report?
A. 1 billion
B. 1 million
C. 350 million
D. 150 million
2. What does China's economic revolution mean according to the report?
A. Migrating to the eastern coast.
B. Climbing up the social ladder.
C. Building a lot of new housing.
D. Accommodating poor citizens.
A. 关天培
B. 陈化成
C. 冯子材
D. 邓世昌
A. 《四洲志》
B. 《海国图志》
C. 《夷情备采》
D. 《筹海篇》
列不平等条件中,含有强迫清政府把台湾割让给日本这一内容的是( )
A. 《南京条约》
B. 《辛丑条约》
C. 《马关条约》
D. 《北京条约》