A. 航行于沿海航区,航程距庇护地距离≥10nmile的客船;
B. 航行于近海航区的客船;
C. 上海—宁波航线的客船;
D. 海口—湛江航线的客船
Some xSeries servers support 4-way memory interleaving and some support 2-way interleaving. In both types of interleaving, the data is accessed 256 bits at a time. How is this 256-bit data access achieved with 2-way interleaving?()
A. The DIMMs used for 2-way interleaving are double the width of DIMM used in 4-way interleaving.
B. The DIMMs used for 2-way interleaving are 64-bit wide and data bits are accessed both on the rising edge and falling edge of the clock cycle.
C. The DIMMs used for 2-way interleaving are 32-bit wide and data bits are accessed both on the rising edge and falling edge of the clock cycle.
D. The DIMMs used for 2-way interleaving are double the width and data bits are accessed both on the rising edge and falling edge of the clock cycle.
A. 正确
B. 错误
A. 因子Ⅸ、Ⅺ、Ⅻ
B. 因子Ⅷ、Ⅸ、Ⅺ
C. 因子Ⅱ、X
D. 因子Ⅶ、TF