Business and professional services (list)()in the Yellow Pages.
A3/A4型题男,38岁。因反复左侧头痛半年,加重伴呕吐3天于急诊留观。查体:浅昏迷,双侧瞳孔为左侧3mm,右侧2mm,对光反应迟钝。右侧肢体肌力4级,右侧Babinski征阳性。 引起病人浅昏迷、瞳孔不等大及其他阳性体征的最可能原因是
A. 枕骨大孔疝
B. 小脑幕切迹疝
C. 左侧动眼神经麻痹
D. 左侧视神经损害
E. 脑干功能障碍
The passage is mainly about()
A. furniture designing
B. furniture promotion
C. furniture store decoration
D. furniture production process
Conversation 2 9()
A. To have a family gathering.
B. To take a holiday.
C. To visit his partner.
D. To sign a contract.
Conversation 2 8()
A. To place an order.
B. To change an appointment.
C. To book a hotel room.
D. To discuss a program.