A hobby is something that you enjoy doing and do during your spare time, such as sports, arts and crafts, a job maybe, gardening, etc.
She even hated winning because she knew that her father was never happy with her performance.
Although one of her fans shouted encouragingly, Li stayed calm and won the most important point in this most important game of her career.
Some computer mistakes are reversible but some are not and that is when disaster strikes.
就车检测发电机时可将万用表旋钮旋至直流电压档,把红表笔接发电机“电枢”接柱,黑表笔接外壳,让发动机运转在中速以上,12V电气系统的电压标准值应在14V左右,24V电气系统的电压标准值应在28V左右。若测的电压为蓄电池电压,则表明发电机不发电。( )
A. 对
B. 错