
__________ proposed that speech act can fall into five general categories.

B. Searle
C. Sapir
D. Chomsky


Promising, underatking, vowing are the most typical of the ______________.

A. declarations
B. directives
C. commissives
D. expressives

The illucutionary point of the _________is to express the psychological state specified in the utterance.

A. declarations
B. directives
C. commissives
D. expressives

Y's utterance in the following conversation exchange violates the maxim of ___________.X: Who was that yiou were with last night?Y: Did you know that you were wearing old stocks?

A. quality
B. quantity
C. relation
D. manner

Which of the following is not the principle of Speech Act Theory?

A. Illocutionary act
B. Locutionary Act
C. Perlocutionary Act
D. Prelocutionary Act
