
Fiction came in first at 26 percent with mysteries and thrillers coming in at a close second (22 percent). And so the face-off begins… In this corner we’ve got the printed book vs. the e-book.: 于是,对峙开始了……在这个角落里,我们看到了纸质书和电子书。小说以26%的比例排在第一位,神秘故事和惊悚片紧随其后(22%)。

A. 对
B. 错


And so the face-off begins… In this corner we’ve got the printed book vs. the e-book. Who will come out victorious?: 于是,对峙开始了……在这个角落里,我们看到了纸质书和电子书。谁会获胜?

A. 对
B. 错

Who will come out victorious? And it’s a tie with half of respondents saying they buy in both formats.: 有一半的受访者表示,他们在这两种方式下都有购买过。谁会获胜?

A. 对
B. 错

Finally, what does the future hold for reading? Does the printed book stand a chance against the e-book?: 最后,阅读的未来是什么?印刷版的书有机会与电子书抗衡吗?

A. 对
B. 错

Does the printed book stand a chance against the e-book? Seems like the smell and feel of paper, curling up on a rainy afternoon with a mug of tea and a thriller might be a thing of the past in the future with 45 percent of respondents agreeing.45%的受访者表示同意,就像纸的味道和感觉一样,蜷缩在下雨的下午,泡一杯茶和看着一部惊悚片,在未来这些都可能会成为过去。印刷版的书有机会与电子书抗衡吗?

A. 对
B. 错
