A few minutes later, she walks up to a lamppost, burning in the middle of the woods.
A. 几分钟后,她走到一个灯柱前,灯柱在树林中间燃烧着。
B. 几分钟后,她走到一个灯柱前,燃烧着树林。
This is an awfully big wardrobe.
A. 这衣柜真大!
B. 这衣柜不是很大!
A. Please allow me to introduce myself.
B. Please allow me to inducemyself.
A. It's not every day that I get to make a new friend.
B. I can’t make a new friend every day.
A. How would it be if you came and had tea with me?
B. How about if you came and had tea with me?