Save some topics like income, love life and poloitics for ________ conversations.
A. popular
B. perfect
C. present
D. private
During the Cold War years of the last century, China made ______ achievements in developing nuclear weapons.
A. obvious
B. remarkable
C. competitive
D. numerous
Encryption should be used when a secret message is _______ online.
A. exclaimed
B. cancelled
C. delivered
D. framed
A. 早期可热敷
B. 切勿挤压
C. 外睑腺炎皮肤面切开,做水平切口
D. 内睑腺炎结膜面切开,做水平切口
A. 鼻泪管狭窄或阻塞加病原体感染
B. 手不卫生
C. 生下来就有
D. 男性居多