The nature of the product is a factor in its success or failure, but the important point is that they should aim at meeting the customer's need, and the introductory promotion should seek to communicate that need satisfying quality and motivate the customer to try the product. Often, attitude change is involved, and, in the extreme, changes in life style. may be sought.
Here the company walks a tightrope. A new product is more likely to be successful if it represents a truly novel way of solving a customer problem, but this very newness, if carried too far, may ask the customer to learn new behavior. patterns. The customer will make the change if the perceived benefit is sufficient, but inertia is strong and consumers will often not go to the effort that is required. During the late sixties and early seventies Bristol Meyers met with new product failures that exemplify both of these problems. In 1967 and 1968 the company entered the market with a $ 5 million advertising campaign for fact toothpaste, and an $11 million campaign to promote resolve. Both products failed quickly, not be cause they didn't work or because there was no consumer need, but apparently because consumers just could see no reason to shift from an already satisfactory product to a different one that promised no new benefit.
The first sentence of the first paragraph is a question, to which the answer is______