
To what does Singh attribute the success of the johads?

A. their cheap price
B. a higher than normal rainfall
C. the ability of villagers to sell excess water
D. giving control of the water to villagers


Which of these methods did Madeod NOT make useof in Durban?

A. repairing water pipe
B. replacing toilets
C. installing water meters
D. building a new dam

Which of the following did Sandra Postel mean by "waterconervation is where the big gains are to be made"(lines130-132)?

A. Water conservation is an opportunity for large profitsfor businesses.
B. Water conservation is the most effective method toaddress water shortages
C. Water conservation technology is still in need of manyimprovements
D. Water conservation is required by law in order toensure large gains

影响体重的最基本要素( )

A. 饮食和运动
B. 脂肪量和非脂肪量
C. 含水量和肌肉量
D. 热能摄入量和热能消耗量


A. 8%-15%
B. 10%-15%
C. 15%-25%
D. 10%-20%
