
beneficial challenging energetic fascinating refreshingamusing popular relaxing satisfying peaceful


beneficial challenging energetic fascinating refreshingamusing popular relaxing satisfying peaceful5. It is very ________ to people developing some good hobbies and interests.

beneficial challenging energetic fascinating refreshingamusing popular relaxing satisfying peaceful6. My hobby is listening to classical music. Music can be very ________ especially after people have worked for a whole day.

101位键盘的编码器输出 位二进制代码。

A. 2
B. 6
C. 7
D. 8

一个BCD-7段译码器的输入为0100,则其有效的输出为 。(华东师范大学)

A. a,c,f,g
B. b,c,f,g
C. b,c,e,f
D. b,d,e,g
