
中国有许多名山,可是假如没有秦岭,中国将不成其为中国,地理学家把秦岭一淮河划为中国的南北分界线,这是秦岭与中国其他山脉的最大不同。秦岭的主体在陕西,陕西的自然环境由秦岭和北山为界划为三大区域,在中国之内没有哪个省能像陕西那样集南北景观于一地。 下面,结合秦岭南北的差异,回答有关问题:
中国人的中央国家公园——秦岭 (1)秦岭的最高峰海拔是多少? (2)列举三种属于国家规定保护的珍稀植物。 (3)太白山为什么被誉为“第四纪冰川地貌的天然博物馆”? (4)何为“太白积雪”?


Pamela is a young mother whose parents are both deceased. Assuming that disease X is a genetic disorder with either a dominant or a recessive inheritance pattern, which of the following statements is accurate?

A. If neither of Pamela’s parents ever had disease X, then Pamela does not and never will have disease X.
B. If neither Pamela nor the father of Pamela’s child has disease X, then that child will never have disease X.
C. If both of Pamela’s parents had at least one copy of the disease X gene,then Pamela also has at least one copy of the disease X gene.
D. If neither of Pamela’s parents ever had disease X, but Pamela has disease X,then disease X is not a dominantly inherited genetic disorder.

下列选项中不是内部融资的资金来源的是 ()

A. 净资本
B. 留存收益
C. 银行贷款
D. 增发股票


A. 安全性
B. 免税
C. 基本收益最大化
D. 未来价格上升带来的价差收益


A. 仅允许使用者变更其口令并鼓励使用者频繁更换口令;
B. 实施某项计算机程序,该程序可测试口令是否可被轻易猜出;
C. 实施某“透明的”防伪技术;使用者使用卡片产生口令并同时查证系统核心口令及产生口令。
D. 根据使用的具体时间和位置对口令授权。
