病历摘要男性,61岁。上腹胀半年,黄疸伴尿色加深半个月。患者半年前无明显诱因出现上腹部胀满不适、食欲减退、厌油腻食物,无腹痛、恶心、呕吐,无发热、皮肤巩膜黄染,尿色加深,大便呈白色陶土样,伴持续低热、全身乏力。黄疸症状进行性加重。发病以来,睡眠差,体重下降4千克。既往史:无肝胆、胃肠疾病史,无药物过敏及手术、外伤史。无饮酒嗜好。查体:T 37.2℃,P 90次/分,R 17次/分,BP 115/60mmHg。神志清楚,表情自然,自动体位,查体合作,未见肝掌及蜘蛛痣,全身皮肤巩膜黄染,双肺呼吸音清晰,未闻及干、湿性啰音,心界不大,心率90次/分,律齐,各瓣膜区未闻及杂音。腹平软,全腹无压痛,无反跳痛,肝脾肋下未触及。右肋缘下可触及肿大囊肿,无压痛。移动性浊音阴性,肠鸣音3次/分,双下肢无水肿。辅助检查:ALT 452U/L,AST 258 U/L,TBil 311.2 u mol/L,DBil 251.2 u mol/L,CA 19-9 3.0万U/L,凝血功能正常。
—Light the interiors of Buildings with Sunlight!
Hybrid solar lighting is a system that captures sunlight on a roof top and uses optical fibers to channel it directly into a building. The only power needed to operate it is a 9-volt battery and the energy cost reduction, worker productivity and health benefits are immense.
It was originally developed by the US Department of Energy at its Oak Ridge National Laboratory and licensed to a company called Sunlight Direct. It has already been installed in a large number and a wide range of buildings in the USA including higher education institutions, museums, department stores and other specialty stores, initial reports declare that retail sales increase by as much as 40% when the switch is made from fluorescent lighting to hybrid solar. Furthermore, there is a major improvement in the attention spans and academic attainment of undergraduates in classrooms or lecture theatres lit by hybrid solar. It is to be hoped that the technology can soon be made financially feasible for households as well as commercial buildings.
It has been suggested that 30% of the electricity used in the USA is just for lighting and, for retailers, the estimate increases to 45%. Obviously, that figure could decrease significantly if sunlight could be brought inside. Hybrid solar lighting is predicted not only to save millions of dollars in energy costs but it is attractive for its quality which is almost identical to daylight.
A solar collector consisting of a 1.2 meter parabolic primary mirror concentrates the light toward a secondary mirror which has a special multi-layer coating that reflects only the visible wavelengths which effectively strips off the ultra-violet and infra-red wavelengths from the reflected light. This is important to reduce heat in the fiber optics which would otherwise melt. The visible light is focused from the secondary mirror towards a receiver module where it is homogenized to guarantee uniformity before it enters the fiber optic bundle which then passes into the building interior for lighting. The fibers are easily installed and replaced and unlike fluorescent lights that require energy, the hybrid solar system only needs one 9-volt battery to power the solar tracking system for a week.
The solar tracker mechanism consists of two motors that are controlled by a GPS (global positioning system) micro processor situated beneath it. This computes the exact position of the sun(based on the latitude, longitude, date and time)to within point one degree. The light collected shines brightly. Just two of these fibers emit enough light to be equivalent to a 60 Watt light bulb and there are 127 of fibers in one bundle. What if it is cloudy or rainy outside? That's where the hybrid comes in. The lighting fixtures combine the sunlight with the artificial light from fluorescent or incandescent lamps to create a hybrid luminaries. A photo sensor in the room monitors the intensity and automatic adjustments are made in order to keep a constant level of illumination.
A room lit entirely by fluorescence has an orange glow which is not very natural. If the lighting is changed to 809/0 solar and 209/o fluorescent, it is far more aesthetically appealing. It is estimated that hybrid solar lighting could reduce their energy bill of most retailers by 609/o; and retail stores have been some of the first adopters of the new technology because of the health benefits gained from natural lighting. Studies have shown that 20% of workers under artificial light suffer symptoms of depression from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). In addition, retail stores with natural lighting sold 40% more merchandise than stores with artificial light. Research has shown that biological rhythms and circadian rhythms are the secret to having successful and productive employees. ]Bringing in the natural light helps regulate these biological processes.
The technology has made such an impression that other scientists are looking at alternative applications: utilizing the UV light energy for hot water heating, for example. There is one limitation to the technology, however: although the plastic optical fibers are very low cost, they also have very low transmittance and extend for only around 15 meters from the solar collector. This is why currently solar hybrid lighting is primarily focused on the top and main floors of a building.
Overall, the potential electricity savings and carbon dioxide reductions are enormous. The units are designed to last twenty years and, as volumes of sales increase, the price should come down considerably. It may be a while before individual households can enjoy hybrid solar lighting but, in the meantime, there is a substantial benefit in that it is making many work and study spaces as natural and comfortable for humans as possible.
Questions 1-3
Complete the summary below with words taken from Reading Passage I.
Use NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.
Write your answers in boxes 1-3 on your answer sheet.
A hybrid solar lighting system has been developed that uses (1) to illuminate buildings. Numerous advantages have been described, such as a boost in (2) and increased (3) and educational achievement amongst students.