
An orbit of the Earth takes ______.


某宗土地为国有土地,某市某贸易有限公司于2004年7月1日,经该市人民政府批准,以 出让方式取得该宗地国有土地使用权。批准用途为商业,出让期限为70年,出让金为1 432万元。出让金已于2004年7月20日一次付清。根据地籍调查并经初步审查,该宗地实际界址清楚,土地面积与出让面积一致,为l6 721 m2,土地使用权出让手续符合法律规定,批准文件有效。根据土地登记有关规定,建议为某市某贸易有限公司办理出让国有土地使用权登记。 问题 1.根据《中华人民共和国城镇国有土地使用权出让和转让暂行条例》的规定,该宗土地的 出让期限是否合理?说明原因。 2.简述土地使用权出让的含义。 3.土地使用权出让由谁负责? 4.国有土地使用权出让可以采取哪些方式? 5.国有土地使用权出让主要具有哪些法律特征? 6.出让国有土地使用权设定登记的申请人是谁?

Ladies and Gentlemen,
What values should we pursue for the prosperity of Asia in the new century? I believe that the three values of freedom, diversity and openness are the driving forces behind peace and development in Asia.
First, it goes without saying that freedom refers to democracy and human rights politically. Economically, it means the development of a market economy.
Political freedom and economic freedom are reinforcing each other in the process of their development. With some twists and turns, Asia as a whole has been taking significant steps towards freedom over the last half century.
Transition to a democratic political system has been inevitable, as economic development has created the conditions for the emergence of a middle class and civil society. I believe that the historic trends that are apparent in Asia should be a source of pride for us all.
Second, development in Asia has occurred against a background of tremendous diversity, where each country has its own distinctive history and social and cultural values. Naturally, we thus see differences in the processes and speed of development.
While respecting diversity, however, it is important for us to promote our common interests and our shared goals, recognizing positive influences of each other despite differences among countries.
In other words, we must leave behind parochial nationalism and dogmatism, promote mutually beneficial cooperation based on equality in order to enjoy common prosperity. This should be our guiding principle.
Third, our cooperation must not be of an inward-looking, closed nature, but one characterized by openness to the world outside Asia.
In a world economy where globalization is advancing and economic integration, such as in Europe and Americas, is proceeding, cooperation both within Asia and between Asia and other regions must be pursued. This cooperation must be based on the principles of openness and transparency.
I believe Asia should set an example for the world by seeking regional cooperation that surpasses national and ethnic distinction.
So, as we pursue prosperity in a free, diverse and open Asia, what are the specific challenges that we face? I'd like to discuss three challenges. They are reform, cooperation and conveying Asia's voice to the world.

①开工前,业主应向C公司支付合同价25%的预付款,预付款从第3个月开始等额扣还, 4个月扣完。

