



1.Many kinds of metals have been developed to resist corrosion.2.A hot-acid method for extracting heavy metals from municipalo waste-water has been developed.3.The mechanical energy can be changed back into electrical energy by a generator.4.The resistance can be determined provided that the voltage and current are known.5.The fuel must be tested to determine its suitability before application.6.Care should be taken not to damage the instruments.7.Attention has been paid to this phenomenon.8.Attempts were made to develop a new technique for breeding rice variety.9.Allowance must, no doubt, be made for the astonishing rapidity of communication in these days.10.Attention must be paid to environmental protection in developing economy.

1.With the emergence of an electronic currency, everyone of us would be affected.2.Many jobs as to assemble parts in dangerous environment are done by robots in some developed countries.3.Two factors, force and distance, are included in the units of work.4.Computers are now being widely used in different branches of science.5.In chemistry, symbols are used to represent elements.6.Two different wavelengths of light are used as carriers.7.Water can be shown as containing impurities.8.The temperature is lowered so that water may be turned into ice.9.The unpleasant noise must be immediately put an end to.10.Solution to the problem was ultimately found.

Turkey lies in one of the world’s most active seismic zones and is crossed by numerous fault lines. In 1999, 2 earthquakes with a magnitude of more than 7 struck northwestern Turkey, killing about 18,000 people.

African farmers, meanwhile, have few practical means to defend their fruit. Chemical pesticides are expensive. And even for those who can afford them they are not that effective since, by the time a farmer spots an infestation, it is too late to spray.
