How do people travel in the city?
A. By trucks and by tractors
B. by taxi and subways
What is the book trying to tell us?
A. The differecs between city and country
B. Where do people in the city do?
C. How do people in the country travel?
A. 错觉、幻觉、睡眠觉醒周期紊乱
B. 波动性,白天加重,夜间减轻
C. 认知、注意力、定向、记忆功能受损
D. 紧张、恐惧和兴奋不安
E. 可有冲动和攻击行为
A. 邓小平理论
B. 科学发展观
C. 中国特色社会主义
D. 马克思列宁主义