
历代皇帝的印章要用玉制成。玉还是随身携带的护身符,是饰品,更是价值不菲的艺术品。____ were made of yu. Yu is also a popular material for amulets, and ____.


而北京奥运会奖杯则创造性地将玉镶嵌其中。玉象征高贵、圣洁、美好。中国人认为相较于黄金,玉石的价值是不可估量的。Yu was featured in the medals of Beijing Olympic Games. Yu ____, holiness and purity. Chinese believe that yu is ____ than gold.

一捧富含矿物质的土经过配料,成型,挂釉,焙烧,最终成为一件精美的艺术品。瓷器融入了每一个中国人的生活。造型多样,图案精美。When processed correctly, a pile of soil can be ____. Chinaware, ciqi, is a part of ____ in China. The surfaces are ____.

他们有些薄如纸,白如玉;有些粗如陶,黑如漆。这是一件产自公元14世纪的青花瓷。它的拍卖价高达2000多万英镑,是中国瓷器的骄傲之作Some are ____; some are as white as jade; some are as course as pottery; and some are as black as lacquer. This is an extraordinary piece of _____ made in the 14th century. It was ____ at more than 20 million pounds It is the pride of ci qi.

在英语中瓷器至今仍被成为china。Ci qi is ____ China in English.
